Friday, November 28, 2008


It is easy to experience London's fine arts b/c of all the free museums and galleries. I've certainly had enough of those for a while. Enjoying London's performing arts demands more intentionality. About a month ago I heard the UK Premier of Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Phantom Phantasia" in the O2 Building-can't beat free tickets. As far as musicals, there are almost too many options. Wicked is one of the newer ones, 2003, based on a parallel novel of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Its story intrigued me and I had heard such positive feedback about it, I was afraid it wouldn't meet my expectations. Well Tuesday night I saw it at the Apollo Theatre with some friends-it blew me away! The singing was amazing, the acting pulled you into the story, the stage and costume designs were so intricate... it was truly a sensesational performace. My favorite song was Elphaba's "Defying Gravity". Les Miserables is next on the list, probably in the spring. I've heard the Nine Lessons and Carols at Westminster Abbey Christmas Eve is fantastic but I'll need to come early for a seat. I'll keep you all posted on how these turn out!


Bonnie Jean said...

Glad you liked Wicked - I saw it back when the tour came through Seattle and yes - it is quite exquisite. :) As for Les Miserable, I may be dressing the show for a week at some point (yeah! work experience in London!), in which case I could probably hook you up with free tickets. :) (Probably not until the New Year, but since you mentioned March anyway...)

Anonymous said...

Total agreement. Wicked is Wicked (哈哈!!) I saw it in NYC. Good show. Great singing. Also saw Les Mis when I was home (for the second time) and loved it. You got a hard life in London, huh? --Jeff Kyle