Thursday, April 30, 2009

Off to India!

I went to India for two main reasons. One is cultural exposure. If I am living in a community dominated by people from India, going to their country will definitely help me understand them better. The second is to check in on charities and projects our charity shop ASHA supports and visit others we may support in the future. I will have a variety of posts to make; I had bad internet connection while there so I am catching up now.
I left Friday the 10th to Mumbai landing Saturday afternoon with one backpack. I left by plane from there to Jamnagar Tuesday morning, took a bus to Rajkot the following afternoon and another bus to Ahmedabad the next afternoon. I flew from there Saturday morning to Delhi to meet up with two friends. We left Delhi that night by train to Ferozpur. Monday we took a cab to Amritsar and a train back to Delhi. Thursday I took a day trip to see the Taj Mahal in Agra. Friday I flew to Varanasi and returned to Delhi Monday morning. I flew back to London at 2 the next day. 18 days. So if you want to break out a map here are the cities in order: Mumbai(Bombay), Jamnagar, Rajkot, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Ferozpur, Amritsar, Delhi, Agra, Delhi, Varanasi, Delhi, London.

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